Since 1987, McCall & Spero Environmental, Inc. has provided high quality asbestos analysis. Today, we are one of the premier NVLAP Accredited (Lab Code 101805-0) asbestos analysis laboratories in the United States. We can also assist in microscopy for failure analysis, research and development, nuisance dust and indoor air quality issues.
Since 1987 - Nationwide Services - 24 Hours a Day - 7 Days a Week
Nationally Recognized Electron Microscopy Services
Guaranteed Turnaround Times - Competitive Pricing
NVLAP Accredited for TEM and PLM Asbestos Analysis
TEM Asbestos Analysis of AHERA, Air, Background Air, Dust, Bulks, Soil & Water
PLM Asbestos Analysis of Building Materials
Failure Analysis and Microstructural Research Services Utilizing Light & Electron Microscopy with Elemental Analysis
High Resolution Digital Imaging & Electronic Transfer Capabilities